Winemaking Equipment
Apart from filtration, there are many aspects of winemaking that fall into a more general category. Among these are continuous stabilisation, flotation, thermovinification and grape sampling.
Kristalstop Continuous Cold Stabilisation
With flow-rates between 2.000 and 20.000 l/hour (higher capacity on request), the Kristalstop gives you the capability of stabilising your wines in as little as 90 minutes! The scraped evaporator allows the product to be chilled to near freezing in order to cause immediate crystallization. The 20 model is semiautomatic, while the 40-60-100-150-200 models are fully automatic. On request, the plant can be built with “PED” testing suitable for sparkling wine.
Wine conductivity after the treatment is continuously monitored with automatic recycling in order to achieve your specified result. Moreover, the system is provided with hydro-cyclones that continuously separate the formed crystals for re-seeding.
Flottaflux Continuous Flotation Systems
The Flottaflux unit assures a continuous separation of solids from grape must and fruit juices by utilising the “dispersed gas flotation” process. Flotation is the opposite of the settling process whereby air or inert gas in injected into the juice, then the finely subdivided bubbles combine with suspended solids making them lighter and causing them to rise. Before flotation the juice is enzymed and treated with clarifying agents in order to flocculate its colloidal substances.
Standard machines range from 15,000 L/h to 60,000 L/h.
Ambra Ion Exchange Plants
The Ambra stabilisation systems operates on wines and musts at ambient temperature using cation resins. They are engineered to obtain perfect flow during stabilisation and regeneration, with complete drainage at the end of a cycle. Easy to use, they reduce stabilisation costs with no reduction in colour or colloidal changes.
Red Hunter Thermovinification Systems
The Red hunter is a continuous vinification line for the production of red, rose and deep red wines with a superior alcohol content and a constant quality. With energy savings of up to 35% when compared to traditional thermovinification systems, the Red Hunter can achieve more colour intensity in 1 hour than 10 days of cold vinification. The spiral heat exchangers are gentle on the mash, producing approx 3-5% of lees.
Standard models are from 5 to 60 tonnes/hour.
Grape Sampling Systems
Relco Instruments provide complete systems for the analysis of grapes, with many different options available. Their flagship unit is the WP analyser, that allows to you obtain sugar content, pH and temperature directly on the sampling head. The sample is returned to the truck so there is no need for a transfer of juice and the associated disposal (loss!) of the sample.
They also have lab based systems that allow for the analysis of further details such as total acid (TA) and colour.
Using Ion Exchange in Wine to Achieve a More Stable Product
What advantages can a vineyard gain by performing a process involving ion exchange on wine? A winemaker can pour their heart and soul into every step of the process, from tending the vines to strict quality control of the must, and still encounter frustrating problems with the final product. The formation of small crystals of tartaric acid is one such problem, and it is a challenge that has faced the wine industry since time immemorial.
Today, one of the most common remedies is cold stabilisation, but this process can be costly, time-consuming, and comes with an array of other challenges. However, with the advent of resin-based tartaric stabilising methodologies, a new cost-effective and highly productive solution is available. At Ridgelea Winemaking Equipment, we're excited to provide a pathway to acquiring this equipment, alongside clear information to enable operations to make the right choice.
What You Should Know About Ion Exchange
Stabilising wine to prevent the formation of so-called "wine diamonds," a colloquial name for tartaric acid crystals, can occur in many different ways. While treating the wine with temperature changes to physically eliminate the compounds is one method, it comes with some drawbacks, such as being highly energy-intensive. By using a resin-based cation exchange system instead, you can tap into several advantages:
The process takes place at ambient temperatures, requiring no extensive refrigeration cycle or heating process. The cost savings from this change alone could be significant.
The wine will not undergo significant colour changes. Don't worry about damaging the robust colour of a red wine by stabilising it in this manner.
The entire sequence occurs in an automated fashion, providing certainty in the outcome of the effort to stabilise the wine.
The Benefits of Equipment for Thermovinification from Ridgelea Winemaking Equipment
Keeping crystals out of wine isn't the only task that requires special equipment. What if you want to improve or enhance the colour of the reds and rose wines you produce? Thermovinification is the best way to achieve such results, especially with equipment such as the TMCI Padovan Red Hunter. You can enjoy advantages such as:
Ensure maximum extraction of colour compounds from skins before the next stages of winemaking. The gentle heat of the process allows the cell structures to break down and release more of their chemical make-up into the wine.
Removing undesirable compounds, such as pyrazines, which impart an unwanted capsicum-like flavour to some wines. Thermovinification ensures the purging of these organics.
Enhance the presence of other flavours, especially the fruity notes that tasters enjoy. Thermovinification has been used by many wineries to improve the characteristics of their wines on the palate.
Reduce or eliminate the need for red fermenters – once thermovinified, red juice can be fermented in the same manner as white.
Why Should You Choose Ridgelea Winemaking Equipment?
With years of experience in dealing with advanced winemaking equipment and a proven record of supporting operations of many sizes, Ridgelea Winemaking Equipment is ideally positioned to aid you. From wine flotation systems to ion exchange and more, we make it easy to connect with proven equipment from trusted manufacturers. Contact us today for further details.​