Weighbridge Grape Sampling / Analysis
Relco Instruments have been supplying the wine and food industry with analysis equipment since 1985. Their grape analysis systems are capable of measuring sugar (Baume/Brix), pH, total acid (TA), temperature and colour.

WP Series
Direct Analysis System | Relco
The WP300 is the first and the only system that provides the grape must analysis directly on the sampling probe, meaning that the sample is returned directly to the truck once complete. Using the highest standard in analysis technology, this machine represents the ideal solution for speed, reliability and efficiency.
It is composed of a control panel that is fixed near the sampler and an analysis cell installed on the probe; a remote display and printer provide visual and printed results at your desired location. The automatic functionality is managed by the remote keyboard that also controls the hydraulic crane.

WS Series
Analysis System | Relco
Designed for indoor installation, the WS300 system uses an automatic system to transfer must into the analysis cell. With the option of performing sugar, pH, total acid and colour analysis, this system provides the most comprehensive results of your grape intake on the market.
Automatic cleaning, a touch-screen and an optional industrial computer make the system extremely easy to use with minimal intervention.

WT Series
Sampling System | Relco
The WT series samplers allow for the extraction of a sample of grapes into either the onboard WP analysis head or into the weigh-bridge office and a WS analysis system.
With many options available, these hydraulic cranes can be customised to suit your specific requirements.

WL Series
In-Line Sampling System | Relco
The WL series analysers are built directly into the must line providing a real-time analysis of your entire batch. With many options available, these systems provide an alternative to weigh-bridge samplers.
Lab Analysis Units

Relco also provides lab analysis units for measuring sugar and colour. The SR series of refractometers can provide accurate measurements of concentration in a wide range of products. The SC series are spectrocolorimeters for the colour analysis of a wide range of non-transparent liquids in the food and wine industry.