C.M.E. Peristaltic Pumps
Peristaltic pumps are one of the most gentle pumps you can possibly use. A rubber hose is progressively squashed by a roller squeezing the product through meaning there are virtually no shear stresses or recycling.
CME peristaltic pumps have speed control as standard and are extremely versatile within the winery. The pumps can run dry meaning that there is little risk to your valuable product, and also means that their ability to self-prime far exceeds that of other pumps.
They are extremely gentle on your product, and the ability to reverse the pumps, self-prime and handle extremely viscous products makes them a valuable pump for any winery.
Advanced hose for long life
Variable speed as standard
New range of 'X' series pumps that are lighter and cheaper
Option of infeed hopper
Flow-rates Available: up to 75 kL/h
Pressures Available: standard up to 40m (4.0 bar) | higher upon request.